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- A glimpse - Can eccentric training be as effective as static stretching for flexibility? 🦵🔍
A glimpse - Can eccentric training be as effective as static stretching for flexibility? 🦵🔍
Sports Med U | Educating Minds, Elevating Potential
The Effects of Eccentric Strength Training on Flexibility and Strength in Healthy Samples and Laboratory Settings: A Systematic Review
Vetter, S., Schleichardt, A., Köhler, H.P. and Witt, M., 2022. The effects of eccentric strength training on flexibility and strength in healthy samples and laboratory settings: A systematic review. Frontiers in Physiology, 13, p.873370.
In today’s letter
Overview of the study looking at eccentric training and its effects on range of motion & strength
Rapid Results = There is high evidence showing that eccentric training is a highly effective approach for altering muscle architecture, resulting in better outcomes in both lower limb flexibility and strength
3 Reads to check out to further you knowledge about eccentric training
Meme of the week: Just one more set? 🥲
Bite-size study - A glimpse into our Infographic

Deeper look
Aim of study
The aim of this review is to investigate whether eccentric exercise is capable of improving both strength and flexibility within highly standardised settings
Did you know?
High-performance sports demands a lot from your body due to frequent training and limited recovery
Prolonged exposure to such stressors often results in degeneration, lesions, and injuries affecting both upper and lower body joints.
While strength training is commonly linked with performance enhancement, flexibility training primarily helps in recovery and is often overlooked in athletes' schedules.
Effective athletic training should target both flexibility and strength simultaneously to optimise time management, minimise injury risks, and prevent training interruptions.
The muscle-tendon unit contributes to 51% to joint flexibility, which is why its important for both performance and injury prevention.
Common prevention and rehabilitation methods include static stretching and concentric training.

Neither stretching nor concentric training has shown evidence of fascicle lengthening in lower limb testing
Reduced fascicle length is associated with increased injury risk, suggesting stretching may not be suitable for injury prevention.
Eccentric training for the lower limb aims to increase flexibility, increase fascicle length, and enhance isokinetic torque performance
Torque performance = it measures the strength of a muscle when it contracts at a consistent rate of movement
Eccentric training's impact on muscular excursion range and eccentric torque may lead to improved motor performance and reduced injury risk.
Eccentric training also enhances muscular energy absorption, buffering surrounding structures after intense training sessions
Existing systematic reviews and meta-analyses primarily focus on the lower limb and lack comprehensive assessment of existing flexibility and strength effects.
Many studies on flexibility strength training suffer from low methodological quality and produce conflicting results.
Total of 18 studies met all inclusion criteria

Characteristics of Eccentric Training
Training protocols varied significantly across studies, with 13 studies comparing the effects of a training group against a non-training control group.
Among these, 11 studies included multiple training groups, with 6 studies featuring a comparison against concentric training and 4 studies comparing different eccentric protocols.
Seven out of 18 studies used an isokinetic dynamometer for participant training.
Additionally, 7 studies implemented various eccentric field exercises.
The average duration of interventions was 7.1 ± 2 weeks, spanning from 4 to 10 weeks.
Only 3 studies had interventions lasting less than 6 weeks.
On average, the number of sets per session was 4.5 ± 1.2, with a minimum of 2 sets and a maximum of 6 sets.
Repetitions per set averaged at 9.1 ± 2.8, ranging from 5 to 16 repetitions.
Training intensity varied widely, from 40% to at least 100% of the concentric one-repetition maximum (1RM).
Methodological Quality

Eccentric Strength
18 eccentric training subgroups were tested for eccentric strength, 3 groups without significant changes
Simple pooled analysis of 15 eccentric training subgroups showed an average improvement of +19 ± 10% of eccentric strength. 4 subgroups with concentric training revealed +19 ± 11% improvement
Concentric Strength
Concentric strength values were reported for 12 eccentric training subgroups, 6 of which showed no significant changes
11 eccentric training subgroups were used for simple pooled analysis
After eccentric training, concentric strength improved by +9 ± 6%.
3 concentric training groups showed an mean improvement of +16 ± 7%
For the simple pooled analysis, 11 eccentric training subgroups were included - eccentric training improved concentric strength by +16 ± 10%.
Isometric Strength
All of 15 eccentric training groups revealed isometric strength gains. Results varied between +5.9% and a significant gain of +44% after eccentric training.
In contrast, the maximum improvement in isometric strength after concentric training was +20.4%
Pennation Angle
Pennation angle = The pennation angle represents the angle between muscle fibers and the direction of force generation.
Muscles with a larger pennation angle generally have a greater ability to generate force because the muscle fibers are arranged in a way that allows for more cross-sectional area and thus more force-producing capacity

Pennation angle values were reported for 15 eccentric training subgroups, 7 of which showed no significant changes
14 eccentric training subgroups were used for simple pooled analysis After eccentric training the average angular change in Pennation angle was +5 ± 7%.
In comparison, 5 concentric training subgroups showed an average Pennation angle change of +15 ± 11%
Passive Range of Motion
7 subgroups were tested for range of motion, 1 of which showed no significant changes Results ranged from −19.6% up to +12.7% improvement
Simple pooled analysis of 6 eccentric training subgroups showed an average range of motion improvement of +9 ± 7%
Muscle Fascicle Length
Fascicle length values were reported for 21 subgroups, 7 of which showed no significant changes
Results ranged from a non-significant result of −3% to a significant improvement of Fascicle length by +33.5%
Simple pooled analysis revealed an average gain of Fascicle length by +10 ± 9% for 16 eccentric training subgroups 5 concentric training showed an average change of −1 ± 8%
Main Findings
17 out of 18 studies demonstrated significant enhancements in at least one strength measure, while 16 out of 18 studies showed improvements in at least one flexibility measure following eccentric training
A basic combined analysis of eccentric training outcomes indicated overall positive changes, including:
+19% increase in eccentric strength
+9% in concentric strength, +10% in fascicle length
+9% in range of motion
On the other hand, concentric training showed improvements in eccentric (19%) and notably larger effects in concentric (16%) strength but failed to enhance Fascicle length (−1%).
Hence, evidence suggests that eccentric training effectively enhances both flexibility and strength parameters by integrating the benefits of strengthening and stretching interventions into a single exercise.

Interpretation of Results
The review highlights significant advantages of eccentric training over concentric training, particularly in inducing improvements in range of motion (ROM).
While strength gains between eccentric training and concentric training are similar, eccentric training results in substantially larger increases in ROM compared
Studies comparing eccentric training to various stretching exercises show that ROM enhancement are comparable to ballistic stretching (11%) but lesser than static stretching (18–21%).
Eccentric training , by simultaneously impacting both stretching and strength, offers 2-fold benefits, which enhancing training efficiency.
Unique to eccentric training is the fascicle lengthening, not observed in oncentric training or stretching exercises.

Eccentric training effects can be attributed to several mechanisms, with sarcomerogenesis being crucial for improving the torque-angle relationship.
Sarcomerogenesis involves longitudinal hypertrophy of muscular fascicles, occurring after repeated overstretching followed by reconstruction and addition of new sarcomeres to prevent muscle trauma within the newly attained ROM.
Positive changes in fascicle length correlate closely with shifts in the torque-angle relationship, as demonstrated in studies focusing on the vastus lateralis.
Further evidence supports the positive association between sprinting performance and fascicle length.
Eccentric training , which combine stretching and strengthening, appear to be highly effective in simultaneously enhancing strength and flexibility.
Top 3 resources:
To further you understanding of eccentric training
A guide to eccentric training
Periodise eccentric training in season
VIDEO: Eccentric hamstring strength in team sports

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